Why Push Presents Are So Powerful

What are they and why your baby mama needs one.


We’re big on push presents. Our core jewelry philosophy is that jewelry should mark a special moment in time or something meaningful in your life. There are few moments more meaningful than the birth of a child.

This marks a prominent moment in time. It’s way more powerful than any gift on Valentines Day. Here are five tips to help you figure out the when, what, how and why of push presents.

  1. WHEN
    Buy the gift before she has the baby. Why? Because once you see her have the baby, you will buy her a car, buy her a house—you will buy her anything she wants. So buy it before because you will spend less money. We get emotional when we see a child come out of our wife.

  2. WHAT
    What makes it so powerful is the timing and meaning. This is what makes jewelry so special. You can buy the same heart-shaped necklace you would’ve given her on Valentine’s Day and give it as a push present. It’s the same gift, but the timing, meaning and reason are better.

  3. WHY
    It’s all about our passion for the product. Jewelry. What jewelry can do to someone is something other things can’t do. Flowers are marvelous, everyone loves getting flowers, but plants can only last so long. The difference is the lasting part. You want a gift to not just be a moment. You want the memory—being reminded of the moment every time you look at it, is why jewelry is so special.

What makes push presents so powerful is the sentiment of what jewelry can do that no other product can do. This is because a jewelry is something you wear that’s a part of you, and it’s been around for thousands of years.

Put Simple: Jewelry creates emotions. That’s why people wear lockets forever. It withstands the test of time, because of what it is. Push presents are a timeless gift that symbolizes one of the most important moments in most peoples lives.