Audio Experience Pt. II: Jewelry Psychology, Push Presents & Repairs
The mystery of jewelry lives in every area of our lives. From engagement rings, to family heirlooms, to push presents, they symbolize the emotion and the mystery of some of our most meaningful moments and special days. Why it’s so special, and how it gets passed down through generations, we may never truly understand. But we won’t stop trying.
In part two of this audio series, we examine the meaning behind the jewelry we love. We discuss the truth of jewelry psychology, the secret about push presents, share master goldsmith wisdom and our process of repairs.
Jewelry, just by being jewelry, creates on its own the want. People want it for what it is. The reasons why we love jewelry aren’t logical. It’s all emotional. Similar to why we like certain people, clothing, or music—we can’t help liking what we like. Part of jewelry psychology is finding the awareness of what we love, rather than trying to find the “why” behind it.
Jewelry psychology is about knowing what we want is already in us. So the psychology of it, and the psychology of almost anything, is about pulling it out. A major part of this involves listening.
A great psychologist is also a great listener. So being an expert in jewelry psychology means not just listening to what’s being said, but also to how it’s being said. Body language, facial expressions and the look in our eyes often speak more than our words about how we truly feel about a piece of jewelry.
The psychology involves two pieces: it’s the reaction and the steering. When we hand a woman a ring and she loves it, she loves it. Period. Her reaction says it all. And when she doesn’t, it’s the steering to get to the right place.
In the rest of this audio experience we cover:
The meaning behind jewelry psychology
Push Presents: What they are, who gets them, what do they mean?
The one secret about push presents
What jewelry can do that nothing else can do
How to rediscover your jewelry
What’s a master goldsmith and what makes Jeffrey one
The unique thing we have that most jewelry shops don’t
Why our repairs is Jeffey’s signature
How we’re more efficient, quick, and effective at repairs than others